Need a bar and/or catering for an event? The Volunteer Inn provides a flexible service to meet your specific requirements.
The Volunteer provides bar hire and catering for a wide variety of events including weddings, birthdays, wakes, fun days and anniversary parties, at home or a location of your choice.
We also support local community groups including Ottery St Mary Carnival.
Bar hire
Landlord Mike will organise the bar for you – if you’re selling alcohol rather than giving it away, he will also sort out the licence for you.
Options include pre-buying the alcohol and running the bar yourself. Alternatively, we’ll supply the alcohol and run the bar, and once we reach profit level, you will receive cashback on the hire charge.
Outside catering
Landlady Jacqui is your point of call for outside catering. Please see below for our Classic and Deluxe menus.

To discuss either bar hire or catering, please contact us.